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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Helen Holt

Consultant Physician, Endocrinology and Diabetes




General Medicine

My doctoral thesis (DM) was on Cortisol Metabolism in Obesity, and I have several related publications. I gained my degree at the University of Southampton and did my specialty training in Wessex.

What people can be referred for

General and reproductive endocrinology including pituitary and thyroid hormone dysfunction. Women with diabetes and endocrine conditions who are pregnant or planning pregnancy. People with foot problems related to their diabetes.

Why I chose my specialties

I enjoy diagnostic challenges, and patients who have endocrine pathology may present with many different symptoms. I enjoy the educational aspect of my specialty and helping people to understand how their physiology may explain their presentation. I love looking after women through complicated pregnancies. I enjoy the parts of my job which mean I get to work with many other professionals including podiatrists, dietitians, specialist nurses, surgeons, midwives and obstetricians, as well as my own lovely colleagues in Bournemouth Diabetes and Endocrine Centre.

Primary contact

Secretary: Carley Major

01202 704603

Membership of professional bodies


Year of registration


Special clinical interests

I see people with general endocrine (hormone) problems, and have a specialty interest in reproductive/ sex hormone endocrinology. I also see women with endocrine problems during pregnancy as well as women with diabetes who are pregnant or planning pregnancy. I also manage the diabetes foot service for people who develop foot problems related to their diabetes.


NICE’s latest guidelines on diabetes in pregnancy: getting the balance right

Outcome data

Our diabetes in pregnancy audit data is available here.

Our National diabetes foot outcome data is available here.


I have recently been involved trials looking at treatments for heel ulceration and new medications for painful diabetic foot problems. We have recently collected data looking at eye problems developing in women with diabetes during pregnancy.

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