Our trust values
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Council of Governors

Elected and appointed Governors make up our Council of Governors. Together the Governors bring a wealth of expertise, experience, ideas and views which are essential in ensuring the continuing effective development of our Trust.

The Council does not run our Trust and is not responsible for the day-to-day management of the organisation. This is the responsibility of the Board; however, the Council performs an essential role in the governance and development of the Trust by holding the Non-Executive Directors to account, both individually and collectively, for the performance of the Board in managing the Trust. It is also Governors' responsibility to represent the interests of members and the public particularly in relation to the strategic direction of the Trust.

Full Council of Governors' Meetings will normally be held in April, July, October and January of each year. The Company Secretary will publish the dates, time and locations of meetings for the year six months in advance. For further information please view the rules for procedure at Council of Governor meetings.

Part 1 of the Council of Governors’ meetings shown below is open to the public. If you would like to attend virtually, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dates for the Council of Governors meetings in 2024 are as follows:

  • 11 January 2024 at 16:30
  • 4 April 2024 at 16:30
  • 29 July 2024 at 14:30
  • 3 October 2024 at 16:30

2024 meetings


2023 meetings

Dates for the Full Council of Governors' Meetings in 2022 are as follows:

  • Thursday 15 September 2022 at 13:00 hours, papers available here
  • Thursday 28th July at 14:00 hours, papers available here
  • Thursday 28 April at 16:30 hours, papers available here
  • Thursday 27 January at 14:00 hours, papers available here

Dates for the Full Council of Governors' Meetings in 2021 are as follows:

  • Thursday 28 January at 16:30 hours, papers available here
  • Thursday 29 April at 16:30 hours, papers available here
  • Thursday 29 July at 16:30 hours, papers available here
  • Thursday 28 October at 16:30 hours, papers available here

Governor election results

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