Our Values #TeamUHD
Our values define who we are as #TeamUHD.
They underpin everything we do now and in the future. They define how we treat our patients and visitors, but also how we treat each other – our valued team mates and colleagues.
Our values will be embedded into every part of our organisation such as recruitment, appraisal and development.
They will help us create a welcoming, inclusive and innovative work environment for all at UHD so that we can deliver the best outcomes for people who need our care on the South Coast.

"Kindness is free. If we can be kind to each other we do anything.” Cheryl Richardson, cardiology service manager and wellbeing champion, RBH
- We are approachable and friendly to everyone, so everyone – staff and patients – feel comfortable in our hospitals
- We are kind and caring to everyone we meet, so everyone feels welcomed and cared for
- We are compassionate and understand individual needs, so we can provide the care that is right for all

“We have the best team in this pandemic. We collaborate, help each other and support each other.” Zhu Zhibin (Morgan), surgical first assistant, RBH
- We work collaboratively with other teams, partners, families and wider community, to ensure our patients receive the best care from the right people at the right time
- We offer help and support to our colleagues, particularly when things are difficult, to ensure people feel supported and patient care is safe and timely
- We offer positive encouragement and celebrate and share our successes, and will share these with patients and partners to assure them

“By listening to someone they feel valued – what people have to say is important. We always try to respect and take time to understand what people have to say.” Christos Christoforidis, service lead for environmental controls, Christchurch Hospital and EU Network lead
- We communicate clearly and effectively so that we are understood, being mindful of our impact on others, to ensure everyone is fully informed
- We actively listen to fully understand different points of view, to be able to give patients the best possible care
- We are respectful and take the time to listen, and take time to fully understand everyone – staff and patients

“It’s important everyone – patients and staff – feel safe and supported to speak up and be heard. We need it to learn and make improvements.” Helen Martin, Freedom To Speak Up guardian, UHD
- We are honest with each other and offer constructive feedback
- We learn from our experiences and mistakes and share our learning with colleagues and partners, and with our patients
- We create an environment where it is safe to speak out, and want everyone – patients and staff – to feel safe to speak out too

“From our studies, we’re changing peoples' lives, picking up problems earlier and improving outcomes.” Stephanie Grigsby, Lead researcher, Maternity, Poole Hospital
- We positively contribute and make suggestions to improve our service(s), so we can improve everyone’s experience of our hospitals, whether they are patients or members of staff
- We are open to trying new ways of doing things and to keep learning from others, to enable everyone to have access to excellent care
- We are curious and open-minded about developing ourselves, so that we are always aiming to be the best we can be

“Inclusive to me means everyone feeling welcome, treated with respect and having their voice heard. Everyone should feel welcome here.” Marcea Green-Williams, deputy sister, Treatment and Investigation Unit
- We value the diversity and difference that everyone brings by treating people with respect and dignity, as everyone who visits or works in our hospitals should be treated
- We treat people fairly without favouritism or discrimination, to make sure your experiences of our hospitals as staff, and the experiences of our patients, is fair and equitable
- We promote a sense of belonging and inclusivity, where we all have a voice and are able to contribute to the future of our organisation; whether staff, patient or our wider community

Find out more
Our values thread throughout our services and the way we run our hospitals.