Welcome to University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust, here you will find all the information you need to plan your visit to us.
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We are University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust, here you will find out more about our three hospitals and how we work as one team to provide excellent care.
Our Trust is made up of three hospitals, each working hard to provide the very best care for you and your loved ones.
Royal Bournemouth Hospital
Poole hospital
Christchurch hospital
Find out the approximate waiting time for your planned care here
Travelling to our hospitals
Visiting someone
Finding your way around our hospitals
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Contact us
Outpatient Assessment Clinic at Beales
Help in an emergency
Patient Portal:My online care
Bournemouth Hospital
CQC overall rating
Inspected but not rated
September 2022
Poole Hospital
Requires improvement
Find out more about our rating