Our trust values
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Patient involvement

Will it be helpful for me to talk to another patient who is in a similar situation?

It is often helpful to talk to someone who has been in a similar situation to you and to compare notes and learn from their experience.  It is important that you talk to someone who has a similar medical history, has had their amputation for a similar reason and is on a similar rehabilitation pathway. The team will be pleased to find a suitable ‘match’ for you and our Counsellor will be able to set up the initial meeting. Please let a clinician know if you would like this to be arranged for you.

Can I be more involved in the running of the Centre?

Suggestions: To maintain our service standard and wherever possible implement improvements, we would welcome your comments and/or suggestions. A suggestion box is provided and you can comment anonymously or include your name and address for a response.

There is a User Group that patients can attend to hear about the running of the centre and contribute their ideas. Please contact the reception staff to express an interest in joining the group.

The group meet 3 or 4 times a year at the hospital.

How do I make a complaint?

If you are not happy with the service that we provide, we would like to hear from you so that we can try to make improvements that will benefit everyone. In the first instance do speak to a member of staff to see if they can address your concerns.

If you are still concerned you can make an appointment with the reception desk to meet the manager  Mrs Rosemary Mead.

Otherwise you can write to Rosemary at:

Dorset Prosthetic Centre

Royal Bournemouth Hospital

Castle Lane East




Or contact by telephone on: 0300 019 4363.

Alternatively you can write to:

The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to raise a concern. They will deal with the concerns that you have and will ask the centre to respond to those concerns..

Or you can write to the Patient Advice and Liaison Service at:

Royal Bournemouth Hospital

Castle Lane East


Dorset. BH7 7DW

Tel: 0300 019 4886

How we can help you during the pandemic

Firstly, we remain open and the team are here to help you. Please do contact us for advice or an appointment. Leaving a problem too long may cause issues later on that could have been prevented.

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