Our trust values
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Easy Read communications documents

Going into hospital is a worrying time for everybody, but can be even harder for someone who has a learning disability. We know that people with a Learning Disability should have the same access to healthcare and treatment as everyone else and we want to do all we can to ensure this happens.

We know that simple adjustments to information, communication and time can make a big difference. Please contact the Patient Experience Centre to let us know how we can help you.

The hospital passport, ‘This is Me’ should be completed and brought into hospital with you. This will give staff the information they need to know about your health, your medicines, your likes and dislikes and how you express your feelings.

The Hospital Communications Book and 'This is me - my care passport' are available to help people who have difficulties understanding and/or communicating get equal service in hospital.  Please click on the links below to access the information you require:

The following Easy Read leaflets have been adapted from Dorset Healthcare Trust leaflets with permission and produced by the Patient Experience team. Please click on the links below to access the information you require:

Please contact the Patient Experience Centre if you need any further help.

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