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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Cardiac Rehabilitation

What is Cardiac Rehabilitation?

Cardiac Rehabilitation is a research-based, structured exercise and education programme, tailored to the individual. It has a positive impact on their wellbeing and quality of life. Research has shown that Cardiac Rehabilitation can reduce a patient's risk of having another heart event and being readmitted to hospital.

It is normal to feel anxious about exercising after a heart attack, surgery, diagnosis of heart failure or any cardiac event. Participating in a Cardiac Rehabilitation programme can help give patients the confidence to become active again. The Course gives them the opportunity to ask questions and talk about any worries they may have. They also have the opportunity to meet other people who have been through a similar experience to them.

Following a cardiac event the Cardiac Rehabilitation Team will receive a referral for a patient to participate in the Cardiac Rehabilitation programme. The Team will arrange to assess the patient by consultation with a Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse Specialist. Following the assessment the patient will be recommended to participate in a tailored Cardiac Rehabilitation programme that is appropriate for them.

Cardiac Rehabilitation is usually offered as an eight week programme, where patients may attend group exercise classes or perform exercises at home. They will be closely guided by the Cardiac Rehabilitation Team, which consists of Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse Specialists, Exercise Instructors and Exercise Assistants. The service also has administrative support and regular input by Royal Bournemouth Hospital Pharmacists.

bournemouth heart club classes

Exercise and Education

The programme offers an opportunity to discuss risk factors such as eating more healthily, giving up smoking as well as how to safely build up exercise levels. This may also be the time to talk about personal concerns such as sexual problems and financial issues.


Bournemouth Heart Club

When a patient reaches the end of their programme, they are guided towards long- term strategies to help keep them heart healthy. They are also given an opportunity to join Bournemouth Heart Club, Poole Heart Support group or another exercise facility/provider to continue their exercise.



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