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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Asim Khurshid

Dr Asim Khurshid

Consultant Rheumatologist

Dr Khurshid graduated from the Army Medical College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan in 1997. After serving in the Army Medical Corps for 5 years he moved to the UK in 2002. He trained in General Medicine for 5 years before starting his Consultant training. After finishing his Specialist Training in Rheumatology and General Medicine he was appointed as a Consultant Rheumatologist at Poole Hospital in 2013 where he continues to work.

In addition to practicing General Rheumatology, Dr Khurshid also received additional training and specialises in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. His expertise in sonography has facilitated development of rapid access Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) services in the region. He established and leads the GCA services for Dorset. His clinical interests also include the diagnosis and management of Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) and other types of Vaculitis. He is involved with national and international research around the subject of GCA and role of ultrasound in Rheumatology.

Research Interests

  1. Diagnosis and management of vasculitis especially GCA, PMR and large vessel vasculitis
  2. Musculoskeletal ultrasound
  3. Inflammatory arthritis
  4. Auto-inflammatory disorders

Professional Memberships

  1. General Medical Council
  2. British Society of Rheumatology
  3. European League against Rheumatism
  4. Royal College of Physicians
  5. Medical Defence Union
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