Our trust values
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Equality, diversity and inclusion

“As the trust board of University Hospital Dorset, we affirm that the trust is an open, non-judgemental and inclusive organisation that will not tolerate racism or discrimination. We celebrate the diversity of our staff and community. We will treat all our staff with dignity and respect, irrespective of their race, gender, religion, age disability or sexual orientation.”

Statement from the UHD Board of Directors

Read 'One UHD family - a message of support from our trust Board of Directors' here.

An inclusive workplace is a vital part of ensuring a supportive, innovative and welcoming culture for our fantastic diverse staff.

We aim to respect the value that difference can bring to ensure we provide the best care for our patients.

We want to develop a culture where both our staff and patients can flourish, because it's simply the right thing to do.

From talking to staff and looking at our NHS Staff Survey results, we have found that there are some groups of staff members who collectively experience a less positive experience at work.This isn’t right and the organisation is keen to better understand their challenges and to provide support.

What is the purpose of Staff Networks?

At UHD, we have a number of staff network groups:

  • The Armed Forces Support Group
  • The Diverse Ethnicity Network
  • The European Staff Network
  • The International Doctors' Support Network
  • The Pro Ability Staff Network group 
  • The Pride Network 
  • The Women's Network group

The purpose of these employee-led groups is to provide support and guidance to other employees and also to provide insight and guidance to the organisation to assist in improving the culture and experience.

The Network group meetings are an opportunity to discuss challenges, progress and also provide many opportunities for self and team development. Our network groups will develop and evolve over time.

Staff Network groups are fully supported by the Senior Leadership Team and have explicitly given permission for employees to take reasonable time off to attend.

How can you get involved?

Staff who feel affiliated to one or more network groups can approach the leaders and join as members. Attendance at every meeting is not obligatory. In addition, allies are also very much welcome to join and partner with members and are vital in terms of building a more inclusive culture for our organisation.

What is a staff network ally?

A staff network ally is an important role – to partner and learn from their network colleagues and to be visible by proactively promoting the work what may need to happen to build a more inclusive culture. Joining a network group as an ally is an opportunity to learn more about their own potential biases and to increase their understanding of how they can individually champion individuals from other backgrounds.

How do I find out more?

Feel free to contact the network leads or to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.

NHS Employers - equality and diversity partners

NHS Employers - equality and diversity partners (External link)

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