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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Mrs Kate Heathcote

Mrs Kate Heathcote

Consultant Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon (Otorhinolaryngologist)


Areas of specialist interest

Laryngology. Lead Clinican in the Poole Centre for Voice, Airway and Swallow.

About Mrs Heathcote/h3>

Mrs Heathcote trained in the Wessex region and then undertook a six month laryngology fellowship in Rouen, France where she learnt pioneering techniques in laryngeal reinnervation. This was followed by a further six month fellowship at the Royal National Throat Nose and Ear (RNTNE) Hospital in London .

She is on the council of the British Laryngological Association and is passionate about improving the management of voice, airway and swallowing disorders in the UK.

She is currently undertaking laryngological research in collaboration with the RNTNE and presents and teaches on the International circuit.

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