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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Understanding menopause event - available to watch NOW

The latest University Hospitals Dorset (UHD) Understanding Health talk: ‘Understanding menopause’ is now available to watch here.

Earlier this month, Amanda Hillard, menopause nurse specialist at UHD, took to Teams to talk about what menopause is, what happens and some of the symptoms that women can experience.  She also explained possible long term affects, for example osteoporosis, and treatments currently available and how they work. 

A recording of the talk was made for anyone who couldn't make the live event and can be shared with anyone who may find this useful. 

Amanda said: “There has been a lot of media coverage about menopause recently and it’s brilliant that awareness is being raised.

"Many people associate menopause with hot flushes but it’s so much more than that. This talk will be useful for anyone going through menopause or those who wants to understand more about the natural process people go through. Families and friends may also find it useful to help their understanding and how they can support their mum, daughter, sister, partner or friend when they are going through this."

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