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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Narnia Project: Nighclothes are not ideal attire

University Hospitals Dorset NHS Charity has launched a project to provide patients with necessary items to support their stay and during patient transport from hospital.

narnia projectMany patients at the Royal Bournemouth and Poole hospitals are admitted overnight or stay longer than expected which leaves them without appropriate clothing/items. The Narnia Project aims to reduce the number of patients leaving the hospital in gowns and instead provide clothing and a blanket for transportation, funded by generous supporters. 

The pilot project has launched in Poole Hospital with a mobile wardrobe funded by the UHD NHS Charity. UHD volunteers will be responsible for regularly checking the wardrobe and keeping it stocked up. Patients can choose what items they would like.

The Narnia Project also benefits patients by encouraging them to get up and complete activities without feeling restricted due to clothing/lack of essential items. This can improve a patient’s dignity, providing them with an alternative set of day clothes and a choice of items.

You can help make sure patients aren’t restricted by donating or raising funds to support the Narnia Project. Money will go towards  clothing, toiletries, blankets, reading glasses, hearing amplifiers and shoes. Please contact the charity office on 0800 019 4060/8449 to support this cause.

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