Our trust values
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Visit our hospitals responsibly 

Cases of Covid-19 are rising in the community, and likely to remain high for the next few weeks.

To prevent the spread of infection, please continue to wear face masks in appropriate areas of our hospitals and follow good hygiene practices.

Masks are no longer required in ‘public’ areas in our hospitals, including entrances, waiting areas, corridors and restaurants. Staff, outpatients and visitors who choose to continue to wear masks (or due to a risk assessment) should still do so, and we will keep providing masks at our entrances for this purpose.

If you have an outpatient appointment or are visiting a ward, please take a mask from here to put on in these areas if you do not already have one.

Mask wearing currently remains in place in all inpatient (ward) areas, as well as in clinic rooms and in our urgent and emergency care settings, eg our emergency departments, urgent treatment centres and same day emergency care (SDEC) facilities.

Masks will continue to be required for patients with suspected Covid-19, where they are tolerated and clinically safe to wear.

We ask everyone to continue to follow good hand hygiene practices, including the regular use of hand gel, and to stay away from our hospitals if any symptoms of Covid-19 or other viral illness are present.

Thank you for your continued support. 

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