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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Water leak at Philip Arnold Unit 

On Saturday night there was a plumbing failure in the main tank that provides water to the Philip Arnold Unit at Poole Hospital. Water then leaked into five of the seven wards with some minor damage to ceiling tiles. The water and electrical services were turned off temporarily as a precautionary measure. All patients and staff were safe at all times.

Services are continuing to be tested. The lifts of the yellow block will remain out of service for the week while they dry out and will also be tested before being returned to service. This will affect visitors to Brownsea, Sandbanks, Kimmeridge and stroke rehab who are unable to use the stairs and alternative routes will have to be taken. Visitors who cannot use the stairs should contact the wards to arrange access.

Thanks to all involved with the incredible response to this incident. We are very grateful to colleagues from portering, estates, clinical site, IT, clinical services, the fire service and our partner organisation Mitie who employ our cleaners at Poole. Due to all their hard work, with many coming in on their day off, the impact was minimised.

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