Our trust values
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Industrial action update 

The British Medical Association (BMA) is taking industrial action with a 96-hour walkout by junior doctors from 7am on Tuesday 11 April until 7am on Saturday 15 April.

Our junior doctors are vital for patient care and the running of our hospitals. During their industrial action, the majority of medically-led activity will be cancelled to ensure that we can provide safe emergency and inpatient care. You will hear directly from our Trust if we have to postpone. We appreciate how hard this can be for people who are waiting, and we will be in contact to rearrange as soon as we are able.

No-one should put off seeking urgent or emergency care during the strikes and people with serious, life-threatening conditions will continue to be seen at our emergency departments. However, please keep 999 and ED clear for life-threatening emergencies.

Please visit NHS 111 online or call 111 for other urgent care needs.

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