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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

100th birthday - "being able to walk again is the best gift of my life"

Hospital staff helped their patient celebrate her 100th birthday while recovering from a hip operation.

Agnes, of Poole, Dorset, recently underwent surgery for a hip fracture at Poole Hospital.

Mr Bassam Zwan, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, performed the operation and visited Agnes afterwards, where he was joined by ward staff to deliver her cake and sing a round of happy birthday to her.

Agnes and cake

Mr Zwan said: " Agnes is exceptional. It is very rare to see a patient of Agnes’ age who is so independent and mobile in her daily routines.

“She had successful surgery with no complications, two days before her 100th birthday, and we loved surprising her to celebrate her centenary.

Agnes with Mr Zwan

“We prepared cakes and she was very happy, saying she had been given the best gift of her life being able to walk again. She was proud to receive a card signed by King Charles and grateful to all the staff for the care she received during her stay in hospital.”

Ward staff with cake

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