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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Confirmed cases of Covid-19 at Poole Hospital

Paula Shobbrook, chief nursing officer for University Hospitals Dorset, said: “Our routine testing has identified a number of patients who have tested positive for Covid-19 at Poole Hospital. We are continuing to follow our strict infection prevention and control guidelines and are working with NHS England and the local public health team to manage this in line with the outbreak policy.

"We have temporarily restricted visiting on two wards to minimise the spread of the virus and have informed relatives about what is happening, as well as the alternative ways they can keep in touch with their loved ones. We are carrying out regular Covid-19 swabbing for these patients and contacts in the hospital.

"Our hospital services are operating as normal with our dedicated staff adhering to strict infection control precautions. We are continuing to care for our patients on our Covid and non-Covid pathways, so please do attend your appointments.

"We do ask that anyone with symptoms of Covid-19, including a temperature, cough or loss of sense of smell or taste, does not come into our hospitals.

"We support all measures aimed at reducing the spread of this illness, and encourage the public to observe any and all measures they are asked to."


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