Our trust values
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Alcohol care and treatment service (ACTS)

The Alcohol Care and Treatment Services (ACTS) is a hospital led multi-agency, multi-disciplinary team based on the Medical Investigation Unit with a trust wide role.

The team establishment includes a Consultant Gastroenterologist, four specialist addiction nurses (both general and mental health), senior support worker/alcohol care coordinator, four assertive outreach alcohol workers and a admin performance manager and administrator.

What we do:

Inpatient alcohol detoxification

Carry out specialist alcohol assessments on any patients over 18 years old where alcohol has contributed to their admission to hospital and to lead or advise on packages of care, including alcohol detoxification. 

Outpatient alcohol detoxification

If appropriate, continue treatment as an outpatient, including outpatient detoxification and/or support sessions.

Elective alcohol detoxification

Poole Hospital is now an approved provider with Public Health Dorset to provide elective alcohol inpatient detoxification (four ring fenced beds – A5).

Outpatient Alcohol Assessment Clinic

Dedicated outpatient assessment and follow-up clinic available for inter-professional referrals.

Ongoing aftercare and support

Linking and facilitating referrals for patients into the appropriate local community based alcohol services and delivering Brief Interventions with patients on the wards

Assertive outreach alcohol service

Providing intensive community-based support for primarily frequent attenders to hospital where alcohol is a contributing factor.

Useful links

One You advice and information

Drinkaware alcohol information and advice

Drinkaware unit calculator

Alcoholics Anonymous


Contact details

Telephone - 0300 019 2871

Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Operating hours

Monday - Sunday (7days) 8am - 4pm



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