Clinical Measurement Department
Royal Bournemouth Hospital
University Hospitals Dorset
Clinical Measurement: the application of scientific principles to perform measurements on the human body.
The Royal Bournemouth Hospital Clinical Measurement Department is part of the Radiology Directorate and is located close to the Radiology (X-Ray) reception. We specialise in:
- Vascular Non-invasive diagnostics including Duplex (Doppler) Ultrasound
- Upper Gastrointestinal Physiology
All staff are trained to a minimum of Masters degree level with a diverse array of 1st degrees in Physics, Medicine, Radiography, Biology and Physiology. We are assisted by Senior Medical Physics Assistants.
We are closely associated with the Medical Physics Department at Poole Hospital.
Medical Physics is the application of physics concepts, theories and methods to medicine or healthcare. IPEM Link This includes:
- Radiotherapy
- Nuclear Medicine
- Diagnostic Radiology Physics
- Clinical Measurement
- Radiation Protection
- Medical Electronics
- Information Technology
Vascular Non-Invasive diagnostics including Duplex (Doppler) Ultrasound
Bournemouth Hospital is the hub for the Dorset and Wiltshire Vascular Network (DWVN) which also includes Salisbury District Hospital and Dorset County Hospital.
The vascular network is responsible for the management, diagnosis & treatment of vascular disease in Dorset, West Hampshire and South Wiltshire.
So what is 'Vascular Disease'?
Vascular disease is any abnormal condition of the blood vessels (arteries and veins). You can read more about Vascular Disease by looking on the website of the Circulation Foundation- the vascular disease charity
Patients are referred to us by vascular surgeons and stroke physicians in particular. However we are also referred patients from diabetes specialists, rheumatology, the eye unit, oncology and others.
What vascular work do we do?
- We perform duplex (or Doppler) Ultrasound scans of blood flow in most parts of the body.
- We measure various physiological functions including pressure in the arteries of the arm, foot and toe. (ABPI and TBI). We also measure volume changes in legs (plethysmography) to obtain information on the function of leg veins.
These are some of the vascular tests we do here:
- Carotid Duplex Scan
- Arterial Duplex Scan of Legs
- ABPI (doppler test)
- Leg Vein Reflux Duplex Scan
- Leg/Arm Vein Duplex Scan (DVT)
- Vein mapping-for-bypass
- Arterio-Venous Fistula Duplex Scan
- Arm vein/artery Duplex Scan pre fistula formation
- Arterial Graft/stent surveillance
- Iliac vein stent surveillance
- Air plethysmography
- Ultrasound for Giant cell / Temporal Arteritis
You can view our patient information leaflets here
You can also read about the work we do by looking on the website of the Society for Vascular Technology of Great Britain & Ireland (SVT)
What qualifications do we have?
All trained staff are members of SVT. Most are SVT accredited vascular scientists and/or have qualified most recently through the National School for Healthcare Science, Scientists Training Programme (STP). Most are qualified Clinical Scientists HCPC.

Upper Gastrointestinal Physiology
We perform manometry and ambulatory pH/ impedance studies
These tests are mostly requested by clinicians specialising in Gastroenterology. We also see some patients who are referred with possible respiratory related illness from the thoracic (respiratory medicine) department and others. The tests are usually considered to be a prerequisite before performing anti-reflux surgery.
The practitioner performing these tests is accredited by the Association of Gastrointestinal Physiology (AGIP) which is part of the British Society of Gastroenterology
Manometry is performed using a high resolution system
pH with or without impedance measurement is performed with a portable monitor allowing the patient to go home and carry on with most of their daily routine.
contact Dominic Foy; Clinical & Scientific Lead for Medical Physics at Royal Bournemouth Hospital - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.