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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Haven birthing suite

The Haven Birthing Suite is our low-risk, midwife-led birthing suite. It is set in a homely environment and the emphasis is on normal birth and empowering you to achieve this.

Mothers who are fit and well, have no medical conditions and have a straightforward pregnancy can choose to give birth in the Haven Birthing Suite.

The community or Haven Birthing Suite midwife will carry out a risk assessment late in pregnancy to assess whether mothers are suitable to give birth in the Haven Birthing Suite.

The Haven Birthing Suite has recently undergone a major refurbishment and now has five en-suite birth rooms. The environment in the Haven is relaxed and women are encouraged to be as active and mobile as possible in labour. Water is a fantastic method of pain relief, and there are three birthing pools in the Haven for mothers to use, either just for pain relief or for birth as well.

These pools are on a first-come, first-served basis, and cannot be booked in advance. It is a good idea, however, if you tell us you would like to use the pool when you phone up in labour. The pools can take 10-15 minutes to fill, so we can get it ready while you are on your way in.

Low risk aids such as birthing balls and mats are freely available on the Haven Birthing Suite. In addition, febromed equipment is available to help mothers to adopt comfortable positions in labour.

The majority of staff have also been trained in the use of aromatherapy so please ask if you would like to consider this for use in your labour.

Contact telephone number:Main maternity reception 0300 019 2319, Maternity triage (for women in labour or worried about pregnancy): 0300 019 2114 or 0300 019 8509

How to find us:The maternity unit is located a few minutes' walk from the main hospital. From the front of the hospital, cross Longfleet Road and proceed through the walkway signposted ‘Maternity’. The unit is directly ahead.

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