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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

RACE Clinic – Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) for Older People


The clinic is located within RACE unit (orange zone level 3), Poole Hospital

Visiting: Please see Trust Visitors Charter here.

Last referral 6pm

RACE Clinic is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) led service with the aim of clinically assessing and diagnosing older patients without the need for an inpatient admission. It sits under the umbrella of Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) and is situated at Poole Hospital (orange zone level 3).

Patients can be referred to RACE Clinic via GPs, intermediate care teams and the emergency department. The clinic significantly reduces the waiting times for older patients to be assessed and diagnosed, in a quiet, friendly and non-threatening environment.

 The appointment takes longer than the usual outpatient appointment as clinical assessment, investigations and results are obtained within the same appointment slot. It can take up to 4 hours. We provide refreshments and a light lunch if you attend over this period.

The ANPs are adept at assessing a variety of complex clinical conditions.  They adopt a holistic approach to caregiving; taking into consideration any other problems or issues that may impact on your presenting complaint and your wellbeing. You will also be seen by a consultant geriatrician during your stay and we have therapists if a functional or mobility assessment is required.

RACE Clinic is nationally recognised as one of the first Older Person’s SDEC in the country, and has paved the way in developing alternative pathways to inpatient admission for Older Patients.

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