Treatment Investigations Unit (TIU)
TIU is one of the few units across the UK which is led entirely by specially trained nurses, focusing on treatment and investigation of a variety of medical acute and chronic conditions. The unit objective is to prevent unnecessary admissions of patients into the hospital.
We work as a Day Case Ward, so the patients come to the unit, have their treatment or investigation done and then they can go home in the same day.
Members of our team have qualifications on non-medical prescription of treatment, TIU nurses became the first in England to be able to prescribe blood and blood products on a non-emergency basis which was previously a medical competency only.
- Poole Hospital
Our Purpose
- Provide gold standard specialised care for our patients following the up-to-date protocols;
- Reduce the unnecessary need of admissions into the hospital for treatment;
- To reduce delays in commencement of treatment;
- To facilitate early discharges of patients that can have treatment on TIU;
- To treat and investigate diagnosed and undiagnosed conditions for patients;
- To provide a safe and comfortable environment for our patients to receive their treatment;
- To provide care efficiently and professionally with dignity and respect towards the patients social, cultural, physiological, psychological and medical condition.
Contact Telephone Numbers:
- 0300 019 4726
- 0300 019 4727
- 0300 019 8512
Opening times:
Monday to Friday: 7:30 – 19:00
Saturday and Sunday: 8:00 – 15:00
How to Find Us:
TIU is now on Lilliput Ward, Phillip Arnold Unit, Yellow Zone
How to Refer to TIU:
On System One, under the Red Arrow you will find the TIU referral form, please fill in the form and submit it to TIU.