Our trust values
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

The future of our trust

Patient Benefits

Investing in our hospitals - summary and patient benefits

flyer cover

Major emergency hospital

  • New purpose built Emergency Department (ED) that is 3 x as large as existing departments
  • Combined workforce means there will be Consultant presence in ED for more hours of the day than there is currently.
    • High quality decision making leading to reduced admissions and fewer unplanned returns to ED
  • All services offering emergency care will be on site with ED, so there will be no transfers of patients between hospitals for appropriate care. For example, currently any patient with a hip fracture attending Bournemouth ED, needs to be transferred to Poole for specialist care.
    • Shorter time to appropriate treatment
    • Improved patient outcomes
  • Acute ambulatory care and assessment floor co-located near to ED to support emergency care

Major Planned care hospital

  • Focus on elective low risk surgery
  • Improved theatre environment, construction of new theatre block to start October 2020
  • Fewer cancellations of operations as no emergency interruptions
  • Shorter time to treatment – estimated 6000 patients per year will have their waiting time reduced.
  • Better patient experience
  • Urgent treatment centre (UTC) open 24/7 to take non-life threatening urgent conditions such as fractures, cuts, abdominal pain and scalds/burns.
    • The UTC will treat approximately 50,000 to 60,000 patients per year for non-life threatening conditions


  • No transfers of patients between sites leading to shorter time to treatment and reduced stay in hospital.
  • All patients will have access to out of hours consultant cover and sub-specialist services
  • Improved access to relevant diagnosis and treatment 7 days a week
  • 7 day in-reach into ED and Ambulatory Medical Unit (AMU) to review all cardiology patients attending these areas
  • Improved outcomes and shorter stays in hospital


  • New purpose built premises for ante-natal, birth and post-natal care.
    • Major improvement in facilities, especially for women with disabilities and mental health problems.
    • Suitable accommodation for partners
    • Better patient experience
  • Ante natal care and birth on the emergency site
  • No transfers between hospitals for complex patients or complications/emergencies therefore reduced risk of deterioration and no delays in access to appropriate care.

Children's services

  • New purpose built premises for children in patient ward
    • On emergency site close to ED and all services offering emergency care
  • Focus on improving children's facilities for diagnostics, out-patient clinics and treatment

General Surgery

  • All patients will have access to relevant services depending on need
  • No transfer of emergency patients between sites
  • Quicker access to treatment
  • Improved patient flow by concentrating planned activity at the planned care site
  • Improved access to full range of surgical expertise and specialist expertise.


  • Combining of clinical teams will lead to greater specialisation of the clinical workforce and improved out of hours cover.
  • Improved access to clinical trials in merged organisation
    • Earlier access to drugs as part of a trial that are not yet in general use, which can in some cases significantly expend life expectancy


  • Co-location of haematology and oncology wards on the emergency site, with close access to critical care and emergency care
  • Improved facility for acute oncology services close to the wards
  • Out-patient chemotherapy to continue on both sites, with a view to moving more services into community hospitals in the future to improve access to care and bring care closer to home.


  • Combining of clinical teams will mean a 7 day service is possible at the emergency site.
  • Improved planned care patient flow, leading to shorter times to treatment
  • Improved sub-specialisation of clinicians leading to faster diagnosis
  • Improved access to endoscopy


Future of our stroke services in Dorset

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