Dorset and Wiltshire AAA Screening Programme
The Dorset and Wiltshire National Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme invites all men registered with a GP for a screening in the year they turn 65. Men over 65 who have not previously been screened or treated for an AAA can request screening.
The Process will:
- Identify aneurysms that need monitoring
- Discover aneurysms that could rupture, enabling treatment to be offered
- Reassure men who don't have an aneurysm
- An ultrasound scan of the abdomen is used to detect AAAs. The scan is carried out by a screener who is specially trained to work within the NHS AAA Screening Programme. The scan itself is quick, painless and non-invasive and the results are provided straight away.
The result
There are three possible results from the scan:
- Normal
- A normal result means that the aorta is not enlarged (there is no aneurysm). Most men have a normal result. No treatment or monitoring is needed afterwards. We will not invite you for AAA screening again.
- Small aneurysm found
- If we find a small aneurysm this means that the aorta is a little wider than normal. We invite men with a small aneurysm back for regular scans to check whether the aorta is getting bigger.
- Large aneurysm found
- If we find a large aneurysm this means that the aorta is much wider than normal. Only about 1 in 100 men who are screened have a large aneurysm. We give men with a large aneurysm an appointment with a specialist team to have more scans and to talk about possible treatment, usually an operation.