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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialists

Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) offer support, advice and guidance to patients with a blood cancer.

All patients with cancer should have access to a clinical nurse specialist and it is likely you will meet one when you are given your diagnosis. Please ask your consultant if you are not sure whether you have met any of the CNS team yet.

The CNS team work closely with consultants, other healthcare professionals, GPs and community care services, to optimise the healthcare journey of people diagnosed with cancer. Clinical Nurse Specialists work to ensure the highest quality of care both at home or during hospital visits or admission. They are passionate about supporting a person’s independence, dignity and quality of life.

You may see a CNS during clinic appointments with your consultant, on Durlston ward (the haematology inpatient ward), or in the Dorset Cancer Centre whilst attending for treatment.

The Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialist Team offers:

  • A point of contact for people with a blood cancer
  • Information about the disease
  • Information about treatments such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy and Stem Cell Transplant
  • Information about procedures such as bone marrow biopsies, blood transfusions and lumbar punctures.
  • Advice and support with physical symptoms such as fatigue, pain, appetite loss or nausea
  • Help and support with worries or concerns related to physical and mental health and wellbeing.
  • Provide psychological and emotional support
  • Help and support with worries or concerns related to home life, such as relationships, fertility or sexual issues, financial or continued care at home.
  • Support calls or clinic visits
  • Advice about support resources and groups, both in the hospital and the community

The Haematology CNS team also offer support and advice to relatives, carers and friends.

Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) at Poole Hospital

Maddy Hardy

Claire Vickrage

Kate Mutendera

Sammie Pope

Vicky Bush

Contact details for Haematology CNS Team

Tel: 0300 019 8218

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Haematology CNS Team, Top Floor DCC

Poole Hospital

Longfleet Road


BH15 2JB

Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm

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