Our trust values
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Patient experience and feedback

Welcome to the Patient Services Team. We are keen to hear about your experience of using University Hospitals Dorset (UHD) services and welcome your views on what we are doing well and how we can improve.

We encourage feedback from anyone who has used our services and this includes compliments, suggestions, enquiries, comments, concerns and complaints.

If the care you received left an impression on you, we would love to hear what that was, good or otherwise

Whilst all Trust staff aim to provide the best possible care and treatment, if you are unhappy with your care or the service you have received, it is important that you let us know, so we have the chance to put it right. Alternatively, it can be a real pick me up to receive praise for a job well done, especially during challenging times.

Please contact the Patient Experience Team who will be able to share or discuss your feedback and explain the next steps:

Please email the UHD patient experience team: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What does the Patient Experience team do?

Compliments and comments Have your say Friends and Family Test (FFT) PALS Complaints Patient Engagement Chaplaincy Carer Support Volunteer Services Interpreters Accessible information Standards You Said, We Did Visiting
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