Christchurch Hospital - Contact us
Calling us
The quickest way to contact us is to call our main number on 01202 486361. You can then state the department or person you need, or hold and speak to our Switchboard Team. If we have written to you, it is best to use the number listed on your letter. You can also find specific phone numbers listed on the pages of our wards and our services.
If we try to contact you, the number will be displayed as 01202 466720. Please do not phone this number back, as the line does not accept incoming calls. If we are contacting you about something urgent, we will continue to try, otherwise please call the main hospital number, or the number listed on your letter.
Please beware that some calls will be automatically recorded for staff training, call quality or security purposes.
Writing to us
Our address is:
Christchurch Hospital
Fairmile Road
Christchurch Dorset
BH23 2JX
01202 486361
Complaints and compliments
If you have any concerns, compliments, or queries about your care, or would like advice about how to make a complaint, please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
Freedom of information
Please see our Freedom of information page for more information