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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Dorset Breast Screening Unit

We aim to provide and promote an efficient and effective breast screening service to all eligible women, within a caring environment.


A breast screening appointment

It is responsible for screening approximately 140,000 women in the county as part of the National Health Service Breast Screening Programme.

Some ladies may be screened in the static unit at Poole Hospital but a large part of the screening work is done on mobile units which travel to different sites throughout the county, to enable ladies to be screened near to where they live.

The unit is staffed by a team of dedicated professionals, including radiologists (doctors who specialise in radiological procedures and film reading), radiographers, breast clinicians, breast care nurses, assistants and office personnel. Mobile units are staffed by members of the radiographic team in rotation.

When the time comes for you to be called for screening, you will either receive an invitation to contact us and book an appointment, or we may send you a specific appointment time.

Symptomatic mammography is performed in the Ladybird Breast Unit by the same radiographic team. The Ladybird Unit is sited above the Breast Screening Unit.

If you have any breast symptoms or concerns you would need to refer to your GP.

Please use the links on the left to find out more about our breast screening services.

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