Children's Community Nurses (CCNs)
Meet the Team
Caseload Criteria:
- Children and young people with a complex health need who are technology dependent under the age of 16 years.
- Children and young people with short or long term nursing needs on a case by case basis.
Referrals - Criteria for Referral:
- The patient must be under the age of 16 and a resident in East Dorset.
- The child must have a GP in East Dorset.
- The child must have a Paediatric Consultant at Poole Hospital.
- The child must be technology dependent and/or have a recognised specialised paediatric/neonatal nursing need requiring support.
- The parent/carer must be available and willing to carry out care at home or other appropriate setting with supported training.
Who can refer to the CCN Team:
- Any health professional in the team around the child can refer to the CCN Team.
Please click here to be taken to our referral form.
Aims of service:
- To enable children with a debilitating disease to fulfil their potential, enhancing their quality of life.
- To facilitate the early discharge of children, babies and young people who have been admitted to hospital and have complex health needs.
- To prevent the re-admission of children to hospital.
- To promote the health and well-being of the child and their familiesthrough health education and support.
- To work in partnership with parents within a relationship of mutual trust and respect.
- To offer skilled nursing support of acutely and chronically sick children in their own homes.
- To ensure effective liaison and support occurs between all agencies involved in the care at home and other community settings.
- Development of best practice guidance and service quality standards.
- At the end of life allow the child to die with dignity in the place of their choice.
- To support the family after the death of a child and facilitate entry into local bereavement services.
Services Provided:
- Oncology
- Palliative
- Respiratory
- Children with complex needs
- Sleep studies
- Premature babies/low birth weight babies
- External feeding
- Oxygen therapy
- Ventilation
Click here for the Neonates Service Information
Contact Details:
We work Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Our answer phone will be checked Monday - Friday at 09:00, 14:00 and 16:00
Generic phone number: 0300 019 8279
Generic email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All team members have their own mobile and email address which will be given on acceptance of referral.