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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Cataract Surgery

What is a cataract?

Cataract is a common condition whereby the natural lens inside your eye becomes cloudy, causing visual disturbances including blurring and glare. Usually, cataracts are simply related to increasing age, but occasionally they are related to other problems like diabetes, some medications or trauma.

Does my cataract need treatment?

Cataracts do not always require treatment. Due to the small risks associated with any operation, surgery is generally only recommended when the cataract is having an impact on your quality of life or your ability to drive or work. If you are not having any problems with your vision, or if you simply do not want to have surgery, it is usually safe to leave the cataract alone.

How can a cataract be treated?

Cataracts can only be treated with surgery. During cataract surgery, the cloudy lens is removed from inside the eye and then replaced with a clear, plastic lens. This is usually performed under local anaesthetic, and patients can go home an hour or so later.

Although problems can happen during and after cataract surgery, for the vast majority of people it is a quick, safe and successful procedure. In most cases, the implanted artificial lens is chosen with the aim of providing good distance vision afterwards (e.g. for driving, watching television). Glasses are often required for fine-tuning your distance vision, and almost all patients will need glasses for near (reading small print, using smartphone) and intermediate vision (dashboard, dinner-plate, computer). For patients who wish to have more freedom from glasses after surgery, other types of implantable lens are available in the private sector.

How do I access the cataract service?

Please start by visiting your optician. They will be able to assess your vision and determine the cause of your visual problems and whether further treatment is required. Their report is then passed to your GP, who can refer you for a consultation at the Eye Unit along with details of your previous medical history. Visiting your optician first ensures that you are directed to the correct service in the most time-efficient way.

I have had cataract surgery but am having problems. What should I do?

If you have recently had cataract surgery and are concerned about pain, worsening vision or increasing redness, please phone the Eye Emergency Department for advice.

If you have recently had cataract surgery and have concerns about your eyedrops, aftercare or other non-emergency issues, please contact your named Consultant’s secretary via the Hospital switchboard.

If you have been discharged after having had cataract surgery previously, and are now having new problems with your eyes or vision, please visit your optician for an assessment. They will be able to determine the nature of your problems and refer you back to the Hospital if required.

Where I can find more detailed information about cataract surgery?

RBH Cataract Patient Information Leaflet – 2020 Edition “Cataract Surgery: What You Need To Know”

Cataract Medical Decisions Video

The Cataract Pathway

A short film for patients attending cataract surgery at the Royal Bournemouth hospital.

We are keen to hear your views on this short film. Once viewed, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your feedback.

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