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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Oculoplastics, lacrimal and orbital services

What this service does

The team in this service treats the tissues surrounding the eye ball, including the eyelids, extra-ocular muscles, socket and tear system.

Conditions treated by clinicians in this service include: eyelid lesions or lumps; eyelid cancer; watery eye; droopy eyelids; in-turning eyelids; misdirected eye lashes causing corneal abrasion; thyroid eye disease; orbital tumours and fractures; and facial and lid tics (for example, blepharospasm).

Consultants who work in this service: Mr B Parkin ( including orbital ), Miss C Marsh

Specialist nurse: Karen Roque

How do I make an appointment with this service?

You should see your GP or optician to assess your condition.  If he or she decides that your eye condition needs to be investigated by more specialist staff, they will arrange for you to have an outpatient appointment. If you choose to be treated at Bournemouth Ophthalmology Department, we will send you a letter confirming the date, time and location of your appointment with us. 

Other useful contacts

For treatment for urgent, sight-threatening problems and for issues that cannot wait for a routine appointment, your GP can refer you to our Eye Emergency department in Royal Bournemouth Hospital.

If you have already been referred to the unit, you can also get information from our secretaries who work with the Oculoplastic consultants

Patient information leaflets

Oculoplastic conditions



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