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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust


Treatment for upper gastrointestinal cancers can include endoscopic intervention (where the problem is treated during an endoscopy), surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or other medical intervention (e.g. taking tablets to slow the growth of a tumour) or any combination of the above.

Your treatment options will be considered at the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meeting, where consultants from all the associated fields of medicine will combine their knowledge to produce the best possible treatment plan for you. We work closely with the teams in Poole, Dorchester, Salisbury and Southampton hospitals to co-ordinate your treatment, which may be changed according to your own wishes, or depending upon your response to any treatment so far. At every step, you can discuss your treatment with your cancer nurse specialist, your doctors or anyone else involved in your care- and if you have questions, you must ask.

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