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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Orthoptics (Children and Adults)/Optometry

We have a dedicated clinic area to see children and adults with squints. There is a separate children's waiting room. Staff who work in this area include orthoptists, optometrists (opticians), consultants and other doctors, and children's nurses. We also have a 3 bedded children's day Ward upstairs for children needing surgery, staffed by children's nurses. Please note that for some appointments dilating drops will be used which may take up to 60 minutes to work.


Orthoptists investigate, diagnose and treat disorders related to eye development, eye alignment (e.g. squints) and problems relating to reduced vision. 

We are based at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital, but also offer a range of Orthoptic outpatient clinics at Poole, Wimborne and Swanage hospitals. 

The Orthoptic Department accepts direct referrals from GPs, health visitors and local optometrists as well as assessing patients who present to our Emergency Eye Department and intra-professional referrals from other specialities within the hospital, such as the Maxillofacial and Brain Injury departments. 


Hospital optometrists (opticians) have an extended role compared to community or high street optometrists. They provide specialist refraction (test for glasses) within the childrens department.

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