Our trust values
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

UHD staff physical health support

Occupational health


Occupational health is a support service for all staff with health and wellbeing concerns. Your manager can refer you to the service for an appointment with a specialist occupational health nurse / physiotherapist or doctor who can help to guide and support you. For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Sign in to the occupational health portal here.



Staff physiotherapy service

Our staff musculoskeletal physiotherapy service provides specialist assessment, treatment and advice. Self refer via the OH portal. Clinics are run at RBH and Poole Hospital. After you have self referred, one of the reception team will contact you to make an appointment. Our senior staff physiotherapists will assess you and then help and guide you to relieve pain and advise you on building up your strength and endurance. Our team can help with returning to work, external activities or sports, workplace assessments and ergonomic advice. For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Health passport

A Health Passport is available for UHD staff members with a disability, which may be visible or unseen. A Health Passport enables a member of staff to disclose information about their disability in a supportive and confidential setting. This takes place in a conversation with their line manager to include any effects of the disability and actions needed, including reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010, which may be helpful both to take into account any affects of the disability and to ensure safe working for the member of staff. It also gives an opportunity to identify and agree any information, understanding and actions for colleagues to keep the member of staff safe and well.

The Health Passport is owned and held by the member of staff and should be regularly reviewed to be kept up to date. Download your Health Passport and how to use guide.

Find our full range of health and wellbeing support on the UHD intranet

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