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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Living with type 1 diabetes

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At the Bournemouth Diabetes & Endocrine Centre, we believe that education and support for patients with newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes is essential. We have found the best way to achieve this is by us all working together as a team.

You will need to learn to manage your diabetes and to help you with this, the diabetes team will give you the necessary tools, knowledge and skills over the next year.

You need to supply the motivation and experience!

Plan of education

During the first few weeks, you will be seen by team members and taught:

  • To give your own insulin
  • To measure your blood sugar levels
  • Basic advice on diet
  • Basic information about hypoglycaemia, exercise, driving, contraception (if female), increasing or decreasing your insulin.

You will have a medical outpatient clinic appointment within 1 month. Thereafter, you will attend our living with diabetes groups every 3 months for the first year. These are held on the 2nd Wednesday of January, April, July and October at 9.15am – 11.15am.

These visits are to discuss your general health, review your treatment and will enable you to discuss any medical, educational or emotional aspects related to having diabetes. The team members will be a Consultant, Diabetes Nurses and Dietitians and the Clinical Psychologist.

You will need to make an appointment to see a local optometrist for an eye examination (leaflet available). We will discuss having an annual foot check.

After the first year we provide more advanced group education. There are four sessions which run from 9.15am to 3pm on consecutive Mondays (including a meal). We believe it is essential for you to attend these to learn to manage your diabetes successfully. We will provide written information to your employer if necessary.

Emotions. You may experience feelings of fear, anger, guilt, denial or loss over the next few months. This is quite normal and it will be helpful if you can talk about these feelings.

Here is a leaflet about living with type 1 diabetes.

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